Dynamically change the value of public variable using reflection in c#

Once i was working on asp.net project and i got a little task that i need to change the values of Blank public variables, i was having two way of doing this one was to set each variable value manually or other is by using reflection, i did little Google, and then created a method that replace the value of each public variable of type string.

//this1 is the any class object and you want to replace the values of public string variables of this object
public void ReplaceBlankValues(object this1)
  //MemberInfo  array will hold all public variables of class
   MemberInfo[] properties = this1.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (var property in properties)
                if (property.ToString().Length > 13)
                    string type = property.ToString().Substring(0, 13);

                    if (type == "System.String" && property.MemberType.ToString() != "Method")
                        Type typeInQuestion = this1.GetType();

                      //Field info containthe information of variable

                        FieldInfo field = typeInQuestion.GetField(property.Name);
                        string value = Convert.ToString(field.GetValue(this1));
                        if (value == "")
                         //Here i am replacing the value of field to "$nbsp;"
                        //In SetValue method you need to pass current object and the value to replace existing value

                            field.SetValue(this1, " ");



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